Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Setting Up Your Candy Buffet Table

So you want to set up a candy Buffet?

For you candy lovers out there having an event! Setting up a candy buffet table is fun and creative. Picture this if you will........ Wonderful colors, yummy candy, hand printed take home bags..... HELLO? Huston are you there? A candy buffet is great, but it is a fixture at an event. It should also be EYE CANDY.

Starting from the table up. Is it a wedding? Do you have a theme? Is it rustic? Inside tables for a wedding start with skirting and tablecloths. Themes could use skirting, maybe black or a color that goes with your theme. Rustic? Will you be using a picnic table or bales of hay? The possibilities are endless, and there are no wrong choices. It just needs to be sturdy and not fall over.

Visit our Pinterest page on Candy Buffet Mistakes.

Lighting: If your candy buffet table is skirted, you could add rope lighting our white xmas lights under it to give it a glow. You can string lights on or around the candy dishes.

Candles: Use battery operated candles ON you candy buffet table. With guests/children leaning over to reach candy, could be a very, VERY bad mix. Long hair, dresses or ties do not mix with fire.

Levels: Use sturdy items such as books, risers, shelves to make different heights for candy containers. Cover with table cloth to hide. Different heights gives your candy buffet table a 3D look.

Jars/Containers: They do not need to be all glass. Or all the same. Mix it up. We had one customer who loved basketball, cut a basketball in half and line with fabric as their bowls. They can be what ever you want, AND if you ask family members, you just might not need to purchase.

Table Looks Empty: You can add pictures in frames, flowers, take home boxes or bags to add different eye catchers to your candy buffet table.

Signage: A sign on your candy buffet with a cute saying, "Love Is Sweet" will invite your guests to partake. (lots to pick from, do a search for candy buffet signs)

When to Open Candy Buffet: If you are serving dinner and do not want your guests to use candy buffet until after dinner. Place tulleing or tablecloth over the top of candy buffet and when it is open, take off.

Candy: Going for an all white candy buffet?, OK, but boring! Mix it up! And don't use other "holiday" candy, guest can tell. Mix up the candy. Colors, Bold, and most of all, YUMMY!

Scoops, Tongs or Ladles: Scoops will scoop candy, tongs for gummy, and ladles for tall containers where a scoop will not reach. Keep in mind that a scoop and hand will need to fit into jar openings. Plus, this is a BIG one. NOBODY wants other peoples hands in their candy.

Don't Forget: Some guests might not be able to eat candy/sugar. Fresh fruit, cheese or sugar free candy will make them happy. Oh, and salty goes with sweet, put out a bowl of chips or pretzels.

Everybody LOVES candy!

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candy buffets candy buffet table with flowers

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